Type of cookies used on this Website
The cookies that this Website may use, as well as their nature, type and purpose, are indicated in the table which can be consulted by clicking on the specific icon ____________ of the Cookie Management Platform (CMP) installed ______name cookie management platform_(cookie first)_____ or by clicking here. In order to better understand the information on cookies, please note that:

  • Technical cookies are generally browsing or session or security cookies, i.e. they ensure normal navigation and use of the website or monitor its security; functionality cookies, i.e. they allow the user to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (e.g. language) in order to improve the browsing experience;
  • analytics cookies have a multiple nature, technical or profiling, which depends in particular on their setting and the purposes pursued: they are assimilated to technical cookies under the conditions laid down by theGuarantor's Guidelines of 10 June 2021, published on 9 July, in particular where they anonymise the personal information processed (in particular the IP address, by masking it), do not cross-reference it with other information held by the provider provider and are used to produce statistics on visits in aggregate form;
  • They are considered profiling cookies in all other cases. In relation to the use of such cookies, consent management techniques may be adopted that make it possible to divide the cases in which consent is given, for purposes other than mere aggregate statistics, from those in which consent is not given, for which only aggregate statistical purposes remain (such as Google Consent Mode or other technologies with similar purposes). For any other information, please refer to the terms and conditions of use of the provider of such cookies.
  • Technical cookies (since they are necessary for the Website to function), as well as analytical cookies that are considered technical under the conditions laid down by the Guarantor's Guidelines (providing for forms of anonymisation, avoiding the cross-referencing of information and producing aggregate statistics), do not require consent since they are based on the pre-contractual or contractual obligation (website visit).Where, on the other hand, the conditions of the Guarantor's Guidelines for assimilation to technical cookies are not met, for instance because the use of analytics cookies is not limited to mere aggregate statistics, consent is in any case required.
  • Profiling cookies (e.g. preferences and marketing) may create profiles on the User, or send communications in line with the preferences expressed by the same during browsing, or provide for the publication and display of personalised content, or pursue any other profiling purpose.

The installation of such cookies takes place subject to the User's consent by means of specific commands.For more information on Cookies please consult and in particular the​ and in particular the Guarantor's Guidelines of 10 June 2021, published on 9 July 2021Consent to use

Modification and Revocation of Consent
In compliance with the Guarantor's Guidelines of 10 June 2021, published on 9 July 2021, the User gives his or her consent to the use of profiling cookies through the positive action manifested with the appropriate commands provided by the Cookie Banner displayed at the beginning of the visit, in particular by clicking on the OK, ACCEPT or similar button.In any case, the User can manage the Modification and Revocation with the same ease and with the same tools with which he or she gave consent. In particular, for the Modification and Revocation of Consent, the user is invited to click on the specific CMP icon that appears on the screen.The user can also continue without accepting by clicking the X at the top of the Cookie Banner.

Verify and manage cookies with extensions or other toolsIn any case
it is possible to verify, in real time, which cookies are used on the Site also through simple and free third-party services, tools or extensions of one's browser. On the Your Online Choices site, at it is generally possible to receive information on the use of cookies and their blocking, especially in the case of third-party cookies.Other tools also provide for the analysis of individual parts of the Site, in order to check which of them make use of cookies and which cookies in particular. We recommend, for example, this tool Edit Cookies, a Google Chrome extension, allows you to check, analyse, manage, enable, disable the cookies used on the Website: it can be installed at the following Still using the Google Chrome browser, it is also possible to inspect the presence of cookies by selecting the appropriate item that appears by right-clicking on the portion of the site of interest ('inspect element'). Finally, using the same browser, it is also possible to click on the padlock next to the URL in the navigation bar and consult the Cookies section, also proceeding to remove the cookies with the "Remove" button.Users are in any case requested to check whether their browser provides other extensions or other tools for managing cookies (cookie manager or similar).

Managing cookies also from the browser settings
ou can always deactivate the use of cookies through the settings of the browser used for browsing. However, if cookies are deactivated, certain functions on the Website may be restricted and the overall experience may be affected. For the User's best information, we would like to remind you of the deactivation instructions for the main browsers: Internet Explorer (Microsoft)Microsoft Edge (Microsoft)Firefox (Mozilla)Safari (Apple)Chrome (Google)

Other information
The Website is hosted on ______aruba_______: please consult the relevant privacy policyIf the User uses any other external party service linked to this Website (whether media sharing or otherwise), he/she is kindly requested to search in the settings of the provider in question for the relevant privacy management mode, possibly by searching for the specific explanation page on any search engine with the keyword "privacy ...(provider name)".

Owner, rights of the Data Subject and other information
For all other information pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, please refer to the GDPR Privacy Policy [LINK] on this Website.